What is 'Social Deal'?
Even the best restaurants have empty seats from time to time. Social Deal fills these seats so you always have a cosy restaurant and make extra profit. Find the best deals and offers for a restaurant in your area.
For more information we like to refer to https://www.socialdeal.be/bedrijfsinfo/?lang=en_EN
Why is an integration with 'Social Deal' important?
An additional service to generate reservations and let new guests discover your restaurant.
What does the integration with 'Social Deal' include?
Social Deal is connected to the Zenchef API. The partner is able to retrieve availability, add and update reservations for connected restaurants. Reservations are made via Social Deals widget.
Reservations made via this integration will be tagged. That way, you can find out in your ZenchefOS which reservation service the reservation came through and how many reservations you generated over a period of time through this service.
Because Social Deal uses its own widget for making reservations, not all functionalities that we support in the Zenchef widget are contained herein. Think of advance payments, credit card guarantee and others.
How do I set up the integration with 'Social Deal'?
You can activate the integration with Social Deal in your Zenchef environment via settings and the partner tab. You will find the partner under the category 'Reservation services'.
1. Click on the connect button next to the partner. The partner will be able to retrieve the information of the restaurant.
2. Add the webhook URL https://channel-manager.socialdeal.nl/webhook/zenchef/ at the top of the page by clicking on the 'connect' button next to webhook reservation.