How to manage guests text messages ?

To choose the notifications you wish to send to your clients regarding bookings or other important information like reviews, you just need to go to settings on your dashboard.

Click on notifications 🔔, then in the sub-menu of the left, in CUSTOMER click SMS.

The simulator on top of the page enables you to know how many text messages are sent per booking, for the satisfactions surveys and the credit card imprint if it is enabled. 



The sender of the text messages can be modified if you wish to, you just need to contact our customer care service at who will take care of it. Bare in mind that the send cannot exceed 10 characters. 


Economy mode

The economy mode allows you to limit the use of sms if the customer file linked to the reservation contains your customer's email address. The system will only send the email and there will be no additional sms charge.

However, if it only finds a telephone number, an SMS will be sent by way of notification.

To activate the economy mode, simply click on the blue dollar of the notification you wish to activate in economy mode :

Capture d’écran 2023-09-04 à 11.13.29.png

Don't forget to save on the bottom right of the page.

Manage my customer notifications