How to customize my booking list on floor plan view ?

From your settings > bookings > bookings list > bookings list, you can choose to: 

add new items regarding your bookings

The default fields of the list are: client - time - pax - status - icons (source by default) - table.



display certain items as text or icons

⚠️ To choose the display of certain items as text or icon (to save space) you just need to click on the dedicated badge:
  •  The customer comment will be displayed as text (T selected) =>

  • The booking status will be displayed as an icon (icon selected) =>


the order of items and icons, in the dedicated column

Two sections enable you to choose the order of each field and icon.

To do so you just need to grab the item, drag and drop it where you want. 


organisation of the booking list by time slots or not

 You can decide to group your bookings by 15mins time slots on your list, to sort them out inside each time slot or to display the list without separators. 
Example of booking list organized by time slots:
Example of booking list without time slots separator:

Late bookings on your floor plan

You can decide to have a visual indicator on your booking list warning you as soon as a booking is more than 15 ou 30 mins late. This will enable you to quickly contact your clients to find out if they are coming or not. 
✅ Remember to save your selection at the bottom right of the page, after checking on the preview if the width of the list suits you.
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