How to activate automatic reconfirmation on my shifts? (Standard Mode)

To enable automatic reconfirmation on one of your services, go to the Settings ⚙️ section at the top of your space by clicking on the name of your establishment, then click on the Bookings, click on shifts.


In your service table, click on the shift on which you want to enable automatic reconfirmation of bookings.

You will be redirected to a new page dedicated to the information for this shift.

  • Activate reconfirmation request (Standard Automatic Mode)
  • Then set the time frame in which the reconfirmation request should be sent by selecting the number of "days before" as well as the reference to consider: "the service" or "the booking".
  • Save

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📚ADDITIONAL ARTICLES: - ✅ How to enable automatic reconfirmation on my services? (Advanced Mode)