How to activate automatic reconfirmation on my shifts ? (Advanced Mode)

To activate automatic reconfirmation on one of your shifts, go to the Settings ⚙️ section at the top of your space by clicking on the name of your establishment. Then click on the Bookings tab and on Shifts section.


In your service calendar, click on the service for which you want to activate automatic reconfirmation of reservations (example here: lunch). You will be redirected to a new page dedicated to the information of this service.

Then activate "Advanced Automatic Mode" (note that this mode is perfectly compatible with the "Standard Automatic Mode").

  • First, define how many days before the date the reservation must have been made to be affected by this mode, by selecting the number of "days before" and the reference to consider: "the service" or "the reservation".
  • Then define the deadline by which the reconfirmation request must be sent by selecting the number of "days before" and the reference to consider: "the service" or "the reservation".
  • And save.

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