How to connect Zenchef Pay to Zelty?

In order to use Zenchef Pay in your establishment, one of the essential connections is with your cash register software.
Below you will find the steps to follow in order to make this connection, depending on the cash register you have:



To make the connection, you need an API Key.

The API Key is a key that allows us to integrate and communicate with your cash register.

To find it, go to the marketplace of your Zelty back-office, activate Zenchef Pay, and copy the API key indicated (starting after the word "Bearer").



Then, simply add it to your Zenchef space by going to:

- Your Settings

- Then, in the "Pay at table" tab, under the "cash register software" section.

- Finally, select "Zelty" from the drop-down menu, and add the indicated API Key in the corresponding field.

Click "Connect" and your cash register is connected!