We are excited to announce that Zenchef, Formitable, and Resengo will unite under Zenchef, starting in January 2024. With an enhanced platform and a new brand identity we’re thrilled to reintroduce Zenchef to the restaurant industry. From the beginning of January, Zenchef will automatically upgrade to ZenchefOS, so you can enjoy the enhanced platform next year. Read all needed information below.
Will my pricing be the same?
Our pricing has not changed, but we will review our packages and costs according to market and industry shifts, your feedback, and new features we develop. What will never change: we will never charge you commissions per guest.
Will I still own my guest data when I upgrade?
We’ll transfer over all guest and booking data to make sure you retain these valuable insights. As you did before, all your guest data is owned by you.
Will my upcoming reservations be visible on ZenchefOS?
We’ll make sure that your upcoming reservations and all booking data are visible on ZenchefOS.
Will my current restaurant settings be visible in ZenchefOS when I upgrade?
Yes, we’ll make sure to migrate all your restaurant settings data, so you don’t have to setup a new profile.
Are current POS and other integrations supported on ZenchefOS?
We've informed our valuable partners about integrating with zenchefOS. We support Lightspeed K-series, Oracle Simphony, Reserve with Google, and more to connect with. While some POS and partner integrations might not be ready yet, they have the tools needed to make their POS or other offering compatible with ZenchefOS soon.
Will ZenchefOS have the same features I currently use?
When you’re automatically upgraded to ZenchefOS, the features you’ve come to love may not look exactly the same on ZenchefOS, but we’re confident our solutions will deliver equal or more value, and our Onboarding Specialists are happy to show you how to use all the new features.
When will I be upgraded to ZenchefOS?
You will be automatically upgraded to ZenchefOS from January, and we’ll offer an easy opt-in to install the brand new widget on your website.
Which new features will I get to use on ZenchefOS?
We’re excited to introduce you to a bundle of incredible features, some which were on the top of our request list. Think of a visual table plan, a call assist to connect phone calls to guest reservations, a guest radar to identify potential no-shows, a mobile app for ZenchefOS, better multi venue navigation, and much more.
As a multi-venue restaurant, can I take all my venues with me to ZenchefOS?
Yes, all venues will be supported on ZenchefOS to centralize your multi-venue operations and suggestions to guests.
Do I need to communicate anything to my guests?
Not yet. We'll update you when you can spread the word and we’ll make sure your valuable guests have an even better, more seamless experience than before.
What will happen to the current Zenchef platform?
Your backend will be automatically upgraded to ZenchefOS from January, and we’ll offer an easy opt-in to install the brand new widget on your website. In January, we’ll also introduce the new zenchef app for guests so you can engage with, be discovered and booked by thousands of guests across Europe.
Can I still speak French?
Yes, we’re happy to still support and assist you in French.
What will happen with the current Zenchef guest app?
We’re moving from the current Zenchef app to a new one, built off Table by Formitable. All Zenchef restaurants will be bookable on the new Zenchef app from January, where your guests will be able to discover your restaurant profile and reserve directly. Look out for more features and solutions soon.
What will happen to the Zenchef Pro app?
The app will remain and will be renamed the ZenchefOS app.
Can I still get reservations from the Zenchef guest app?
For now, no changes will be applied to your current Zenchef app. From January 2024, you will get reservations from the new Zenchef app.
What will happen to the current Zenchef brand and website?
Zenchef will be rebranded with a fresh look and feel and new website in January 2024.