General Information
Firstly, log in to your ZenchefOS profile, then go to your payment settings by clicking on the "Settings" button and then "Payment".
Once you've arrived at this settings page, two sections will be displayed:
- Choice of provider
- Payment function configuration
In each section, you can view transaction fees related to the selected provider based on your subscription by clicking on "Fees details".
Go to the payment service providers.
The activation of the provider depends on the payment products you wish to set up.
For prepayment (with experience or deposit) and pay at table, you will need to activate Zenchef Payment.
For credit card guarantee and gift vouchers, you will need to activate Stripe.
In case of doubt, the available products are displayed under the payment provider with a green check mark if available and a red cross if not.
Activating a Stripe account
If you don't already have a Stripe account, make sure you have the following information:
- your SIRET (French business registration number)
- your VAT number
- your social security number
- your IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
- your website address
- your company's address
You will find in this article the steps to associate your Stripe account with Zenchef or those related to creating a Stripe account from Zenchef.
Click on "Activate" and then click on "Be redirected to Stripe"
If you already have an account, provide the information related to your account; otherwise, select "Click here to sign up" to create an account:
Complete the respective form for each action.
Your account will then be associated with Zenchef to activate the related features as specified above.