How do I add / edit pictures to my Zenchef website?

  1. Add photos to your Zensite's Photo Album page

The pictures you add on your dashboard appear both on your website's homepage and in the Photo albums section.

To add pictures to your website, go to Settings > online visibility > Photo albums.

Then, you can either create new album or edit an existing one by clicking Edit next to the thumbnail.

Then, click Add one or several pictures and add your pictures. Please don’t upload more than 4 pictures all at once (add 4, then save, then add 4 again).

For your information, you can add an unlimited number of photos in your albums.

Please note that the photos you will add or modify in this section of your dashboard will not modify the photos of your website if it's not a Zenchef website or mobile site.


2 . Add / Edit a background photo on my Zensite

Your Zensite has a home page and several other pages (menus, photo album, notices, press, events). A background photo is required for each page. It is used to visually enrich your Zensite.

To add/modify a background photo, go to the Zensite section of your Zenchef space, then to Site Theme.

This page shows you a preview of your current site. On the left, you'll find a toolbox with an "images" section.

The list of pages will be displayed with the edit button, allowing you to integrate an image of your choice from your computer. Photos must be in landscape format and no larger than 8mo.

Once you've uploaded an image, you can use the action button to apply the photo to all pages. However, to make your site as complete as possible, we recommend that you put a different image on each page.

Once the images have been loaded, all that remains is to save them by the bottom SAVE on the left.