How do I edit my bookings ?

It is possible to edit a booking that has already been confirmed or not.

Edit a confirmed booking

Simply go to the Zenbook tab:

  • click on the booking
  • click on the field you want to edit (time, pax, date)
  • the change will be saved automatically.



Edit the chosen time of a confirmed or unconfirmed booking by the customer

If you are unable to accept the booking from your customer, you can offer them another time before canceling the booking.

  • click on the booking from the Zenbook tab
  • click on the status at the top right:



  • click on "propose a new time"
  • enter the time
  • click on "ok"


  • Your customer receives a notification asking them to accept or refuse this time:


new tile.png

  • If the customer accepts, the reservation will be automatically set to "confirmed" status
  • If the customer refuses, the booking will be set to "rejected" status
  • If the customer does not take any action, the booking remains in "waiting for customer" status