How to activate auto-reconfirmation for my services on iOS?

To enable automatic reconfirmation on one of your services, go to the Settings ⚙️ section at the bottom right, then in Bookings, then click on Shifts:

  • Click on the desired service  (example here: dinner). You will be taken to a new page dedicated to the information of this service.
  • Scroll down to the bottom
  • Click on "Reconfirmation requests settings":
  1. Standard Automatic Mode
      • Enable the sending of reconfirmation requests (Standard Automatic Mode)
      • Set the deadline for sending the reconfirmation request by selecting the number of "days before" as well as the reference point to consider: "the service" or "the reservation".   


2. Advanced Automatic Mode

      • Enable "Advanced Automatic Mode(note that this mode is perfectly compatible with "Standard Automatic Mode").
      • Define the reservations affected by this mode with "for reservations made more than" by selecting the number of "days before" the reservation date as well as the reference point to consider: "the service" or "the reservation" (the time).
      • Then define the deadline for sending the reconfirmation request by selecting the number of "days before" as well as the reference point to consider: "the service" or "the reservation".


