Viewing the booking history on iOS

Each booking has its own history from the reservations list in Zenbook.

It gives you access to:

  • All actions taken on the reservation and by which user account of your restaurant
  • All notifications sent to you and your customer

How to view the history of a reservation?

  1. Open the Zenchef application, then go to Zenbook
  2. Click on the desired booking
  3. Open the History tab all the way to the right
  4. You can now view the actions taken and see the messages exchanged


🔔 The message history allows you to find the emails sent to your customers.
You can:

  • Consult them by clicking on them
  • Resend them by selecting the orange arrow
  • See who the recipient is

In the example below, the restaurant [Zenchef SA] proposed a new schedule. The first email is therefore the proposal sent to the customer. The customer accepted it, which triggered the sending of a confirmation to the restaurant owner, and a second one to the customer:

