If some days your services have different hours than the rest of the week, you need to create an additional service specific to those days. Here's how to proceed on the iOS application:
My shifts are open every day from 12:00 to 13:30 and from 18:30 to 21:30. I want my customers to be able to book until 23:00 on weekends.
1. Open the Zenchef iOS application, then click on Settings and Bookings.
2. Select Shifts.
3. Go to your dinner service, then remove the weekend days. This will limit the standard dinner service to weekdays.
4. Save. You no longer have a service for dinner on weekends. So you will need to create a new shift specific to this period.
5. Go back to Shifts.
6. Click on the + in the top right corner.
7. Give a specific name to your new shift (Weekend Dinner).
8. Remove the days not affected by this new shift (Monday - Friday).
9. Choose and set the desired reservation period (18:30 - 23:00).
10. Modify the reservation settings for the service if necessary, then save.
✅ You now have 3 different shifts:
- A "Lunch" service open all week
- A "Dinner" service open from Monday to Friday
- A "Weekend Dinner" service open from Saturday to Sunday