How to open/close reservations temporarily on iOS?

To open, edit, or exceptionally close a service, go to Settings at the bottom right of your space, then click on Bookings and go to the Services exceptions tab.


1. Create a new service exception by clicking on Add an exception.

2. Choose the name of the exception (only visible from your account), then the period during which this exception will be active.

3. Insert a comment that will be visible in the booking module only for the chosen period.

4. Determine the active services for the period.

  • To modify an existing service, click on it and you will be able to change the number of covers, the open period for reservations or the request for a credit card imprint.
  • To close a service for the defined period, click on the cross located at the bottom right.
    Attention: You cannot close all services using this function.
    Refer to the following article to close your module for a period.
  • Do you want to delete a service exception? In the list of exceptions, press and hold your finger on the respective exception and swipe left to reveal the Delete button.



You want to extend the reservation period for the evening service on December 31st.

  1. Settings > Exceptional Services > Add an exception.
  2. Choose a name.
  3. Insert a message visible on the module by clicking on one of the days of the period if desired.
  4. Set the period during which the service will be modified.
  5. Click on the evening service.
  6. Modify the reservation period and save.

