How to add a menu to my payment module?

📃 Do you want to activate menu reading from your Zenchef Pay QR codes?

To do this, simply follow the two steps below:


  1. Add a menu:

    - In your Zenchef account, go to your "Settings" tab, in the "Bookings" section, scroll down to the left column and click on "Digital Menus".
    - Click on the "+ digital menu" button and then you can name your menu, add a file or a redirect link, or use the menu from your Zensite.

    menu 1.gif

    - Finally, click "create".

  2. Activate menu reading:

    Once your menu is created, there is one final step: activate menu reading from the QR codes.
    - To do this, go to the "Pay at table" tab (in the "Personalization" section).
    - In the "Digital Menu" section, simply click on the small button to activate it:

    menu 2.gif

    Menu reading is now activated! ✅
    Your customers will be able to consult the menu by scanning the QR codes.