To add or edit a contact, go to your Guest section :
- To add a new customer's details, click + New guest.
Then, enter the information in the text fields (name, phone number...) and save by the button Confirm.
If you wish to modify the existing profile of a customer who has already made a reservation at your establishment through the Zenchef booking module, simply click on the pencil icon to the right of their name in your file. You will then have access to their profile, which you can edit. Don't forget to save the changes at the bottom of the page.
You can now add a profile picture to your customer's profile !
If you want to offer a unique and personalized experience, this is the feature you need! It will allow you to recognize your customers when they arrive at your restaurant and perhaps even address them by their name.
These little touches of attention have a significant impact on customer loyalty.
This new feature is available in Guest > Open a customer profile.
ℹ️ This feature is available exclusively on the ZenPremium plan.
To locate a customer whose profile you wish to modify, you can enter their name, first name, or email address at the top of the customer file.