How to display my shift as fully booked on my widget?

Why is it very useful:

As you must know, you can display as fully booked for a shift in your settings by clicking on the booking section then fully booked

To make your life easier, we have made this feature available from your Zenchef reservation book so you can display as fully booked in only one click. 

Moreover, from your reservation book, you can choose between displaying as fully booked on the entire shift or only on certain time-slots

This will enable you to handle the arrival of your clients with care and prepare in times of affluence. 


How to display as fully booked:

To do so it is very easy: at the top of your reservation book, on the right side of every shift, click the no entry buttonCapture_d_e_cran_2018-03-14_a__11.45.42.png

A window will appear, letting you choose between the different time-slots or the whole shift.

In the example below, the user has decided to display as full only at 12 and 1PM for the lunch shift. 

Capture_d_e_cran_2018-03-14_a__11.50.17.pngIf you want to display as fully booked for a service in advance: go to Settings in the top right-hand corner, then click on Bookings in the navigation bar and on Fully booked.


Click on + Mark as full. In the window that opens, choose the date and service for which you can no longer take bookings.

Click Create.


As a result, the booking system on your website will be updated with your slots available for booking.