How do I manage bookings with experiences?

You excel in setting up your experiences with the Zenchef guide 💎 Become an expert in managing your experiences . If you haven't had the chance to read this article yet, we recommend quickly browsing through it before continuing to read 🙂.


1. The impact on your customers on your online bookings

After choosing the experience, your customers are warned several times that they will have to make an immediate payment to finalise their booking if you have activated prepayment. If this is not the case, the customer will go straight on to validate the booking :

  • At the selection stage 

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  • At the contact form stage

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  • At the payment stage

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Please note that the prepayment option takes precedence over any other manual confirmation or bank card imprint setting.


2. Manual bookings with experience

You can associate an experience with the booking and request a prepayment when you register your bookings by selecting the "Prepayment" option on the form validation button. You can also save the booking without prepayment.



đŸ“© Your customer will receive notifications by email or SMS depending on the information provided and with the payment request (and your notification settings).

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🔗 If needed, the URL of the page used to prepay the reservation is saved in the reservation details

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⚠ Before sending a prepayment request, make sure you have previously selected an experience from the list of experiences associated with the service.

The system updates you on the volume of experiences that have been already associated to other bookings on the shift.

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The black card icon allows you to easily identify the experiences for which you usually request online prepayment.


An experience stock status indicates the number of experiences already registered for the service.

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Make sure that : 


You can send a prepayment request from an existing reservation in your ZENBOOK.



Note that while waiting for the customer to prepay for their experience, the reservation will be in the status in your ZENBOOK (the covers of the reservation and the experiences will be deducted from your availability).