You are here because you want to use online sales widget with Zenchef.
Before you begin, here is some information / contraindications:
- The online sales widget does not handle VAT on your behalf and does not generate an invoice for your customer. Therefore, please remember to issue a receipt when it is used in your establishment. The Zenchef module allows you to choose online offers and pay for them, think of it as a payment terminal.
- In order for the module to work properly, first configure your Stripe account as indicated here.
1: Creating your vouchers
The first step is to create one or more vouchers.
To do this, go to Settings > Online Sales
- Create vouchers with a balance to be spent on-site
- Create vouchers with a set menu or formula
2: Install your new widget
- If you have a Zensite (website built by Zenchef), a button should have appeared to offer online sales (or at the latest within the next hour). Take a look to see if everything is in order.
- If you have a website not created by Zenchef, you will need to contact the person in charge of your website in order to add a button that opens your new Gift Voucher module. To do this, go to Settings > Widgets
3: Viewing your vouchers
You can consult the list of your gift vouchers directly on your ZenchefOS space.
Revenue > Gift vouchers section.
4: Redeem your online sales
During the online sale, your customer receives an email with the details of their purchase.
Here is a preview of the email sent to the email address provided by the purchaser:
The first table summarizes the order details. The second lists individually all the vouchers purchased, with their respective usage codes.
When your customer comes to redeem their voucher, go to the Gift cards list (Zenbook > Gift icon at the top right):
- Use the search field s and enter the name of the customer or the purchase or the code:
- Change the status of the gift voucher by clicking on reedem gift cart.
- According to the amount consumed by your customer, the status of the voucher will change to "using" if is partly.
- If it is fully debited the voucher will change to "used":
You can also extend the period of validity :