How to configure the choice of actions on my reservations?

From your booking management, you can customize the list of actions on your reservations HERE.

You can add the actions you want to enable using the icon Capture_d_e_cran_2020-12-22_a__18.01.04.png available on each action, or remove them using the icon Capture_d_e_cran_2020-12-22_a__18.02.00.png.


The different actions

Actions related to reservation statuses :


Note :

Confirmed = this action will be necessary if you confirm your bookings manually.

Arrived = this action is useful for identifying a customer who has arrived but is not yet seated at their table.

Finished = this action is useful for identifying when a customer has left. It will release the table from the seating plan.

No show = this action is useful for identifying a customer who has not come to the restaurant without cancelling their reservation. It automatically activates the "already no show".

Reconfirmed = if you use automatic reconfirmation, the status will change to "reconfirmed" without your action if the customer reconfirms via the notification they have received.

Waiting inside = this action is useful for identifying a customer whose table is not yet ready.

Waiting list = this action is useful for manually adding customers to the waiting list if you are full. If you use the automatic waiting list, your customers will be able to register on the reservation module and their reservations will be added to your list in this status.


Contextual actions for reservation statuses : 

Note :

Propose a new time = when this action is taken, the reservation will become a "customer standby".

Request a credit card deposit = if you have activated the bank print system. When this action is taken, the reservation will go to "waiting for a customer".

Send a credit card deposit reminder = if you are waiting for a credit card deposit, and you wish to send a reminder.

Release credit card deposit = if a credit card deposit has been deposited on the reservation.

Refund the debit = if credit card deposit has been taken.

Debit the customer = if a credit card deposit has been deposited on the reservation.

Request a prepayment = if you have activated the prepayment system. When this action is taken, the reservation will be put on "customer standby".

Send a prepayment reminder = if you are waiting for a prepayment and wish to send a reminder.

Refund the prepayment = if a prepayment has been made for the booking.

Request reconfirmation = if the booking is confirmed. When this action is taken, the booking will go to "waiting for reconfirmation".

General actions :

Note :

Send a message = available only if an email is entered in the booking, enabling a message to be sent with or without a change in the booking status. The customer will receive an email.

Call customer = only available if you are using the smartphone application.

Create/Link to a customer sheet = only available for walk-in bookings.

Lock booking = available on a reservation placed on the seating plan so that the table number is not changed.

Unlock booking = available on a reservation locked to a table.

Create a series of booking = allows you to duplicate a reservation over several dates.

Send shift menu = available if you use the digital menus