How to activate the stock of tables ?

The stock of tables allows you to calculate the availability of your restaurant based on tables or table groups.

It allows for the selected number of covers:

  • Not to exceed the total capacity of the restaurant
  • Not to exceed the capacity of the time slot
  • To allocate available tables or table groups

Here is the list of steps for its application. You will also find a summary video at the bottom of the article.


1. Create your rooms: Detailed article

2. Add the tables to your floor plan: Detailed article

  • Be careful to define the number of covers offered per table correctly.
    If you want a table for 2 PAX to only accommodate 2 people, set Min and Max to 2:

    Capture d’écran 2023-09-12 à 14.34.05.png
  • Conversely, if you want a table for 4 PAX to be bookable for 2 people, set Min to 2:Capture d’écran 2023-09-12 à 14.35.22.png

3. Configure table groups:

  • Table groups allow you to link available tables based on a booking request : A booking for 6PAX can be assigned to a group of 2 tables (4PAX and 2PAX).
  • Go back to the following page: Settings>bookings> Rooms and tables
  • On the relevant room, click on "Manage table groups" :

Capture d’écran 2023-09-12 à 14.37.42.png

  • Click on "New grouping"
  • Select the tables that can be linked to the reservation.
  • Define the minimum and maximum number of covers that can be accommodated : 


4. Define assignment preferences

  • Assignment preferences indicate the order in which tables should receive bookings.
  • Go to the following page: Settings>bookings>Assignment preferences
  • The tables contain the following information:
    • Related room
    • Capacity in number of people
    • Reservable (white) or Non-Reservable (black)*
  • Organize the desired assignment order with drag and drop :


In this example, we've decided to place tables 1 and 10 coming from the dining room, after the group they are part of, because we want to keep those two tables, in order to have availability if a booking is taken. We prefer to assign tables that are not part of a group first for small bookings.

*It is possible to hide non-reservable tables

5. Activate the stock of tables :

Capture d’écran 2023-09-12 à 14.52.05.png

  • Once the procedure is completed, confirm the activation of the table stock: