What is the waiting list for ?
Activating the waiting list allows you to quickly confirm a new reservation in case of cancellation.
Reservations on the waiting list are displayed in your ZENBOOK but are not counted in the available cover stock.
Note a manual reservation as "waiting list"
From ZENBOOK : you can manually note a reservation on the waiting list.
Prerequisite: the "waiting list" action must have been activated from the choice of actions in your settings: associated article.
- To the right of save, click on the arrow pointing downwards
- In the menu that appears, click on "waiting list"
- Then click on "save + waiting list"
Setting up the waiting list for online reservations:
The waiting list for online bookings allows you to continue taking reservations if your reservation slot/ your service is full. These will then be in "waiting list" status on your Zenbook.
Setting it up is done from the shifts :
- You can define the minimum and maximum number of people you accept per waiting list booking.
- The total number of people you can add to your waiting list.
- The number of people you can add on the waiting list in the same time slot.
Once activated on your services, the waiting list will be available from the booking module:
Once registered, the customer will receive an email confirmation of their registration on the waiting list.
From ZENBOOK, reservations on the waiting list are visible through the "waiting" filter:
If needed, you can manually confirm the reservation by clicking on the booking waiting list status :
The customer will then receive a confirmation email.
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